In Table 5(b) of GST-TRAN-1, the details of Form C, F and H/I are to be given for the period April 15 to June 17 (i.e. for 27 months) which would be a voluminous task. Reasons of furnishing the details for last 27 months may please be clarified

In cases where sales were covered by Forms C, F,H and I, the input tax credit has remained in the account of the taxpayer because the taxpayer has availed of the benefit of concessional rate/nil rate of tax on the sale/ stock transfer under CST Act. The benefit of concessional rate/nil rate is available conditional upon production of the statutory forms. Therefore,allowing migration of the credit that has accrued on account of sale/stock transfer having been made on concessional rate/nil rate should be given only on production of the statutory forms. Even otherwise, the taxpayer would have claimed refund of this ITC and such refund would have been given only on
production of the statutory forms. It has been presumed that forms for periods before April ‘15 would have either been presented or the State would have recovered the additional tax payable on account of non-production of
statutory forms. Production of these forms is a statutory liability and the taxpayers have already availed the benefit.


What is the requirement for E-way bill for companies operating in the sector

As per rule 138 of the CGST Rules, 2017, till such time as final rules are issued, the Government may, by notification, specify the documents that the person incharge of a conveyance shall carry while the goods are in movement or in transit storage. As and when the new e-way bill rules are notified, the person transporting the goods shall carry the said e-way bill generated from the common portal along with the invoice (challan in the case of movement other than by way of supply)


Whether GST TDS will be applicable on Works Contract Jobs (to be renamed as Supply of Services) in case of PSUs, since such GST TDS U/s 51 (1) of CGST Act. 2017 is applicable on: a) Dept. or establishment of the Central Govt. or State Govt.; or b) Local authority; or c) Govt. agencies; or d) Such persons or category of persons as may be notified by the Govt. on the recommendations of the Council.

TDS, under section 51 (1) of the CGST Act, 2017 will apply to supplies made to such agencies as may be mandated by the Government for TDS. As of now, this section has not been notified and therefore TDS is not applicable on any supplies.